There are many things you can do to help keep your home secure without a home security system. From keeping your windows and doors locked to keeping the television on while you’re away for the evening, there are definitely steps you can take to keep your home safe without spending any money. The trouble is, thieves are smart.No matter how many small things you do to keep your home secure, your property may still benefit greatly from a home security system, but how do you know if a home security system is righ… Read more →
Whether you’re traveling for the holidays or you’re planning a getaway during the warmest months of the year, your vacation should be a time for you to relax and unwind. The trouble is, with potential thieves and burglars lurking about, you’ll likely spend a good chunk of your vacation worrying about the security of your home and the safety of your belongings.The good news is that you can travel half way around the world and still enjoy peace of mind! You just have to make sure that you follow these home … Read more →
Nothing beats having a home security system when it comes to keeping your property secure. Home automation is also a great option for people who are interested in having complete control of their home, even while they’re gone.But, don’t think just because you have a home security system you can get lazy! Whether you have a system installed or not, there are a few common sense things you can do to increase the security of your home.Keep windows covered with dark shadesThere are a lot of things bur… Read more →
Most people decide on a home alarm system as a way to make sure that their property is more secure. It can definitely deter and identify burglars, as well as keep your home protected from fire and flooding, but home security systems can do much more than that.As home security systems get smarter, plans are able to offer more services. Even if you aren’t particularly concerned about the safety of your property, a home security system may still be in your best interest because many systems now offer home automa… Read more →
Think that medical alert system is free? Think again!Chances are, if it’s too good to be true, it probably is. However, scammers can be extremely convincing, so how in the world are you supposed to protect yourself from a medical alert scam?Have you contacted this particular person, company, or association before?Scammers continue trying to “sell” their free medical alert systems because free or discounted systems are actually out there. Plus, who wouldn’t want to get something for free!Howe… Read more →
Identity theft is a real problem in the United States. According to AARP, a new identity theft victim is born every two seconds. If you think you aren’t likely to experience identity theft, think again. There is no sure-fire way to prevent it from happening, even if you enlist the services of an ID theft protection company. It’s likely that you or someone you know will experience identity theft at some point in your life.Fortunately, you aren’t doomed if your identity is stolen. Here’s what to do if you… Read more →
Taking the plunge and signing up for a medical alert system plan can be difficult. How do you know if you or someone you love really needs one?Here are 5 signs that signing up for a medical alert system is in your near future.Frequent falling in the homeDid you know falling is the cause of most major injuries and hospitalizations for adults over 65? Falls are especially dangerous for the elderly because bones become brittle and recovery takes longer. If you or a loved one frequently feels dizzy, is p… Read more →
Identity theft is a real problem, and it’s one that can take up a lot of your time and money if you become a victim. In order to help keep your information secure, as well as reestablish your identity, many people turn to an identity theft protection company. Although choice is good, it can feel overwhelming to find the right plan when there are so many plans to choose from!Fortunately, there are a few things you can look at when it comes to narrowing down your options. Here are the critical aspects to look f… Read more →
Identity theft is a serious problem that can ruin your credit and your good name. That’s why so many people turn to an identity theft protection agency.The trouble is, there are so many identity protection companies! Sure, you could spend a lot of money on the best protection, but how much protection do you actually need? You may not need as much protection as you think.Keeping track of your creditThe first step in protecting your identity is keeping track of your credit accounts. This is one step tha… Read more →
Keeping a close eye on your budget is important, but it’s also important to safeguard your future. If you or someone you love is prone to dizziness, falling, or has any other medical condition, you may want to consider a medical alert system.The trouble is, medical alert systems can be so expensive! Well, that isn’t always the case, as long as you have a few tricks up your sleeve for getting the best deal!Choose a basic planMedical alert systems are a booming business. Because they can so effectivel… Read more →